George (Chip) Greenidge Jr.
Visiting Fellow at the Ash Center for Democratic Governance & Innovation - Harvard Kennedy School
for the Academic Year 2021 - 2022
Welcome New Democracy Fellows

Announcing New 2021-2022 Visiting Democracy Fellows
The Ash Center's Democratic Governance Program is pleased to welcome 15 new members to the Ash Center Democracy Visiting Fellowship Program.
The Democracy Visiting Fellowship Program is comprised of faculty, doctoral, and postdoctoral scholars working to further their research on substantive democratic governance issues. This interdisciplinary group of scholars uses approaches from across political theory and philosophy, political science, sociology, law, and history to advance their work on a range of topics from the electoral geography of minority representation in economically advanced democracies to democratic erosion, new technologies, and the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite you to learn more about the new 2021-2022 fellows and their research:
Selene Campion Democracy Visiting Fellow
Jonathan E. Collins Democracy Visiting Faculty Fellow
Dimitri Courant Democracy Visiting Fellow
João Fabiano Democracy Visiting Fellow
Janice Gallagher Democracy Visiting Faculty Fellow
Selina Gallo-Cruz Democracy Visiting Faculty Fellow
George Greenidge Democracy Visiting Fellow
Nikolas Kirby Democracy Visiting Fellow
Anna Krämling Democracy Visiting Fellow
Huck-ju Kwon Democracy Visiting Senior Faculty Fellow
Tina Law Democracy Visiting Fellow
Ashley Nickels Democracy Visiting Faculty Fellow
Christopher Ojeda Democracy Visiting Faculty Fellow
Pedro Arcain Riccetto Democracy Visiting Fellow
Celina Su Democracy Visiting Senior Faculty Fellow
The Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation Ash.harvard.edu Harvard Kennedy School of Government info@ash.harvard.edu 79 John F. Kennedy Street Cambridge, MA 02138 US
© 2021 The President and Fellows of Harvard College